David Shanet Clark, M.Ed., Decatur, Georgia:
"I am apparently a fourteenth generation American, and my direct ancestors came from England to Virginia in 1611. I have WWII, Civil War and Revolutionary War ancestors,
as well. The Pilot, John Clark, who was captured at Jamestown, Va.,
and held by the Spanish
for four years, and was hired to pilot the 'Mayflower' to Plymouth, Massachusetts; John Clark is a probable ancestor, as I understand it.
I know of no other person who had land and property granted to him at both Plymouth Colony and Jamestown Virginia
- and he is probably my direct great grandfather to the fourteenth generation.
John Clark was a navigator and
a Quaker and he did not sign The Mayflower Compact, however he piloted the ship, the Mayflower, to the New World and an island
in Cape Cod Bay is named for John Clark, who explored it in 1620.
14. D. Shanet Clark, M.Ed.,
Cabell Co., W.Va., b. 1962, m. 1997; (Author of this table) Historian, Teacher. Dekalb County Historical
Preservation Commission Chairman
13. Dr. David Sheffer Clark 1922- Author's father, Veteran
Pacific Theater WWII. 1st Lieut., Practiced Medicine, M.D. in W.Va. and Virginia.
12. Elmer Sylvan Clark 1899-1971 C & O Railroad Tunnel Labor Foreman, Raconteur in The Great Depression, Episcopalian. Virginian. Town of
Orange, Va. 11. Frederick W. Clark 1875-1944 C & O Rail Tunnel Foreman, Post Civil War and Great
Depression Era. Virginian. Town of Unionville.
10. Franklin W. Clark C.S.A. 1847-1929 Confederate;
Wise Artillery, Deacon. Post Civil War Virginia Depression. Unionville and Orange, Va.
9. James Towles
Clark 1813-1913 Victorian, Orange, Virginia 'Union' Church. Clark's Mountain, Orange County, Va.
William Clark Rev. 1766-1834 Revolutionary Rider, Surveyor, Clark's Mtn. Rapidan River, Orange County, Va.
7. John Clark 1741-1831 Revolutionary Supplier. Orange County, Va. "The Old Man of All the Mountain." Orange County, Va.
6. William Clark 1711-1790 Left Spotsylvania County for Clark's Mtn. Orange County,
Taliaferro association.
5. Edward Clark 1648-1736 m. 1662, m.
1681, m. 1699. Patented Clarks' Mountain, Virginia.
4. Micajah Clark c. 1629-1699 Many generations are
named for Micajah Clark, who was in Virginia (from Barbados) by 1671.
3. Michael Clark 1610-1678 d. West
Indies. Born in England, thrived in Barbados*.
2. Edward Clark 1590-1630. Son of John, Father of Michael. Resided in England*.
1. John Clark, the Pilot 1572-1624. Grants in Jamestown and Plymouth Colony. Ransomed
from Madrid Spain by James I. Pilot of the Mayflower. Participated in the 1611 Jamestown voyage*.
> 1. John Clark preceded in England by (15th) William Clark b. 1553*, Stefenage, Herts. and (16th)
Sir Thomas Clark b. 1527*, Hertsfordshire.
Notes: Apparently I am a fourteenth generation American. I
can trace back sixteen generations to the early sixteenth century in central England, during Henry VII's reign. The generation averages out to twenty five years.
The Pilot John Clark, whose testimony to the Spanish Inquisition
about the strategic condition of the North American English Colonial Coast can be read in numerous journals, and the man who
was ransomed for the Virginia Company by King James I; the Pilot, John Clark 1572-1624 (1) had a number of children,
Susannah, Edward, Katherine, Thomas.
These were his heirs, in both Virginia and Plymouth. John Clark's
son, Edward Clark, 1590-1630 (2) remained in England, and Edward was probably the father of Michael Clark 1610-1678
Michael Clark is well documented in Barbados, and re-settled in Virginia after arriving in the formative
year of 1670 into Charleston, South Carolina.
Michael was the father of Micajah 1629-1699 (4) who was born
in Barbados and moved to South Carolina and then into Henrico County, Virginia.
Micajah was the father of Edward
Clark 1648-1736 (5) the founder of the Clark's Mountain Clan.
This Micajah was also the father of Captain
Christopher Clark, founder of another prominent frontier family.
Edward Clark, Christopher Clark's brother, was
the associate (probable kinfolk) of Richard Taliafero, and as an overseer developed land in the new County of Orange, Virginia
in 1736 at Clark's Mountain. Some of these Clarks were surveyors, marking the James River and Greenbrier River valleys for
the first time.
The Clarks' Mountain Clarks have been in central Virginia on the Rapidan River since 1736. Edward
was the father of William Clark (6) 1711-1792 who had revolutionary associations.
William was the father of (7
)John Clark, The Old Man of All the Mountain (1741-1831) the master of Clarks' Mountain, with its long views.
Clark was the father of William Clark (8) 1766-1834 a revolutionary veteran.
Wm. Clark was the father of James
Towles Clark (9) a Victorian methodist who lived 1813-1913.
James Clark was the father of Franklin W. Clark (10)
1847-1929 a Confederate Veteran.
Franklin was the father of Frederick W. Clark (11) 1875-1944 a railroad tunnel
He was the father of (12) 1899-1971 Elmer Sylvan Clark, my grandfather, who lived in Orange and
Unionville, at the foot of Clarks' Mountain near Charlottesville, Virginia.
*some dates and links are best
estimates and/or contested, i.e. the early 17th and late 16th century figures.
NAME: CLARK, CLARKE, CLERK or CLERKE; Literate, but less than aristocratic, Englishmen were originally clerks, lay church
officials who wrote for the English courts, the sheriffs and the bishops. By the 16th century we know of a Sir Thomas Clarke
in this line. The Latin Cleric or Clericus or Clerq goes back, with the underground church, before Augustine's arrival
from Rome in the seventh century.
Stone inscriptions in Christian graveyards in Britain show an unbroken British
Druidic Christian Church from the first century contact in Wales to the seventh century, but little written text and no bishops'
names have survived. Clericus was the original Clark, writing, maintaining a literated culture and scholarly
dignity even in the face of Saxon pagan tyranny and the Norman conquest.
This Post should also clarify certain
other historical families:
The Georgia Family of Larkin Clark descend from Edward Clark (5).
This branch founded Elberton, Ga and
then participated in Revolutionary Land Lots.
George Rogers Clark and William Clark: There are only traces
of a connection of my Colonial Virginia Clark family to the family of George Rogers Clark and William Clark (of Lewis and
Clark). George Rogers Clark referred to a cousin of my line, Marston Green Clark, as a "cousin" (Bodley, Frankort)
in a letter, and the Marston Green name and other names are consistent across the two frontier family lines, but William and
George Rogers Clark settled in the "west" Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, and I have found no solid link to
old Micajah Clark and the family at Clarks' Mountain.

and Curriculum Vitae:
David Shanet Clark, M.Ed.
DeKalb County, Ga. Historic Preservation Commission Chairman
Civics and History Teacher, Cross Keys High School
M.Ed., Masters of Education,
Social Sciences Georgia State University, with honors, 2006
B.A., Summa Cum Laude, History Georgia
State University, Atlanta 2002
Minor in
Political Science
Areas of Research Interest: U.S. Political History American Architectural Culture Victorian and Federal Era America Geography
“Instant Text Messages of the 1860s: Lincoln’s Telegraph
Office and the Origins of Modern War
Signals Communication.” Cryptologic Quarterly 31, no. 1 (2012): 41-49.
Awards: Law Day Keynote & "Liberty Bell Award" DeKalb
County Bar Association, May 2007
E.I. Woodruff Fellowship Southern History, Georgia State University, 2003-2004.
GSU History Department and Middle East Center: Graduate Assistant, 2003-2004. Egyptian Graphics Project:
Forming a Database and Gallery of Egyptian History and Culture.
Thomas Malone History Scholarship, GSU, 2002
Dean’s Key and Faculty Scholar, GSU, 2001-2002 Honors History Student of the Year, Georgia Perimeter
College GPC DeKalb College, 2001
United States Senate Youth Scholarship William Randolph Hearst Scholarship
Marshall University 1980
99th Percentile – Graduate Records Exam, Verbal Test, 2006 (GRE 760/610)
99th Percentile – College Level Equivalency Exam, CLEP, English Literature, 2001
Praxis II
Social Studies 195/200 Georgia Teaching Certificate, Social Science
Certified College Board Advanced Placement European History Teacher, Oglethorpe University, 2007
Georgia Alliance of Preservation Commissions Annual
Convention, Elberton, Ga., 2007 Conference Presentations: “Instant Text
Messages of the 1860s:
Lincoln’s Telegraph Office and the Origins of Modern War
Signals Communication.”
Presented at: National Cryptology Conference Johns Hopkins
University Advanced Physics Laboratory Laurel, Maryland October, 2011
South Carolina History Conference Columbia, South Carolina February, 2012 “Seceding
from Secession: Geographic Factors in the History of West Virginia”
Presented at: The Georgia
Interdisciplinary Conference; UGA Athens, GA, February 21, 2004
The Florida Historians’ Conference;
LCCC Lake City, Florida, March 3, 2004
The Organization of American Historians’ Southern Regional
Conference; GSU Atlanta, July 17, 2004
Bertholdi Graduate History Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,
Va., April 2005.
New England Historical Association, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Regis College, April
Additional Archival and Special Collections Research:
“Executive Order 12036: President
Carter Restructures the Intelligence Community” Jimmy Carter Library, Atlanta. 2005. Online @ scribners.org
“The 1947 Georgia Governors’ Controversy: The Talmadge Tapes” Pullen Library Special
Collections. 2005.
Teaching Experience: Tucker High School, Cross Keys High School Social Studies Teacher
2006 - 2012
Welfare to Work Adult Literacy Program: Program Teacher, Fayette County, KY, 1992 - 1995
High School At-Risk Dropout Prevention: Program Teacher, Lexington KY, 1992-1995
Professional Associations: DeKalb
County Historic Preservation Commission Member, 2006-2007; Chairman 2008-2010
of American Historians National Council for History Education National Trust for Historic Preservation
of Education Grant Review Contractor: "Teaching American History" 2007 Federal Grant Proposal Judge "Safe
and Drug Free Schools" 2008 Federal Grant Proposal Judge
& Dekalb
County Executive Committee: Planning and Zoning Regulatory Review
Board 2010